Thursday, September 4, 2014

This is my picture proof of my item. It is a little princess rubber duckie.

1. Genetic variation within a population

This is a picture of a class of humans. This is an example of a population with genetic variations. A genetic variation is anything that makes one organism different from another organism. In this population, there are many genetic variations present. There are boys and girls, which is a variation of the X and Y chromosome when in the womb. Some people have brown hair, while others have blonde. The hair color is the phenotype, but the gene is what determines how much eumelanin and pheomelanin is released. Every species has genetic variations that cause different mutations, hair colors, and many other variations.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

2. Phloem

This is a picture of a tree stump. This tree stump shows an example of phloem. Phloem is the tissue of a plant that transports water throughout it. The phloem of a tree would be it's trunk. The trunk allows sugar and water to be brought from photosynthetic leaves to areas which aren't photosynthetic. This restores the plants energy an hydration, allowing it to continue to photosynthesis and grow. The trunk is the phloem of a tree, just like the stem is the phloem of a flower.

3. Eukaryote

This is a picture of a tree. This tree is an example of a eukaryote. A eukaryote is a multi-cellular organism that has a nucleus in it's cell and a membrane surrounding it. The plant cells that make up this tree have mitochondria, a nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, a vacuole, and many other things in them. Each cell has a cell membrane and cell wall surrounding what's inside it. Almost every organism on this planet is a eukaryote. 

4. Basiodiomycete

This is a picture of a mushroom. A mushroom is a basiodiomycete. A basiodiomycete is a fungus with sexually produced spores on a basidium, or a club shaped structure. Basidia and basidiospores are produced on the underside gills of the mushroom, or the lamella. These spores are what helps the mushroom to reproduce and spread itself around an area. Some basidiomycetes reproduce sexually while others reproduce asexually.

5. Gymnosperm cone

This is a picture of a pine cone. A pine cone is an example of a gymnosperm cone. A gymnosperm cone is the gametophyte of the plant. The male cones carry the pollen while the female cones carry generate the seeds. Since the male cones are further up in the tree, the pollen they release falls onto the female cones who are then fertilized. The female cones store the seed while the zygote grows into an embryo. Once this has happened, the seed is released to grow another plant.

6. Pollinator

This is a picture of a bee. A bee is an example of a pollinator. A pollinator is any organism that carries pollen from one plant to another in order to fertilize that plant. This bee can land on one flower and get pollen on his body, wings, and legs. When he flies, the pollen can fall of onto other plants or he could deposit it when he lands on another plant. Most insects are pollinators, as well as some mammals and reptiles.

7. Animal that has a segmented body

This is a picture of an ant. An ant has a segmented body. The ant's body is divided into three different segments. It is broken into the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The segmented body of an ant provides it with more flexibility an mobility. This gives it the ability to carry heavy foods and to move quickly in the face of danger. It is an adaptation that allows it to survive. Another animal with a segmented body is the lobster.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

8. Fermentation

This is a picture of wine. This wine is a product of the fermentation of grapes. Fermentation is a metabolic process that converts sugar to acids, gases, or alcohol. In this case, the sugar was the grapes and the conversion was to alcohol. To create wine, heat is produced during the fermentation process. Usually, higher heats extract more flavors. Red wines, like the one above, can spend up to 30 days fermenting in order to create the perfect wine. Fermentation can occur in yeast to create bread, in milk to create yogurt and cheese, and in many other foods.

9. Ethylene

This is a picture of ripe bananas. The ripeness of the bananas is an example of ethylene. Ethylene is a gas that can be used to speed up the process to color and ripen fruit. Before the bananas were on store shelves, ethylene was sprayed on them to make them ripen quicker so they could be sold. It is a common practice with many fruits around the globe.

10. Amniotic egg

This is a picture of an egg. This egg is an example of an amniotic egg. An amniotic egg is an egg with a fluid filled sac or membrane. The egg of a chicken is surrounded by a hard shell to protect the embryo in the amniotic fluid. The yolk in the chicken egg feeds nutrients to the embryo in the amniotic sac. Reptiles, birds, and egg-laying mammals all produce amniotic eggs.

11. Homeostasis

This is a picture of a human being, my sister, drinking a glass of water. It is an example of homeostasis. Homeostasis is the tendency of body to maintain and keep stable internal conditions. In this picture, my sister is returning to homeostasis. She is drinking water to return to the condition she was in before sweating. The body gave her a headache to warn her of her dehydration so that it could get water to get back to homeostasis. If she was cold, her body would shiver. If she was too hot, her body would sweat to cool off.

12. Connective Tissue

This is a picture of an ear. An ear is an example of connective tissue. Connective tissue is made up of many fibers which form the framework and support structure for much of the body. Any type of cartilage in the body is made up of connective tissue. The ear is made up of elastic cartilage. The cartilage allows the ear to protect what's inside it and to provide flexible framework so it can bend without breaking.

13. Hydrophobic

This is a picture of oil and water. This is an example of a hydrophobic relationship. A hydrophobic substance is one that does not dissolve or attract water molecules. The oil is remaining separate from the water and staying on top of it, showing that the oil is hydrophobic. Hydrophobic molecules tend to prefer non-polar and neutral substances, rather than the polarity of water. Other examples of hydrophobic substances are alkanes and fats.

14. Hydrophilic

This is a picture of salt water. Salt is hydrophilic. Hydrophilic items are things that can be dissolved in water. Salt is a hydrophilic substance that can even attract water out of the air. It is useful in food to draw some of the water out. The hydrophilic molecules not only dissolve in water but other polar substances as well. Other examples of hydrophilic substances are sugar, chlorine, and alcohol.

15. Modified stem of a plant

This is a picture of asparagus. Asparagus is an example of a plant with a modified stem. A modified stem of a plant is one that has been specialized to perform certain functions that regular stems do not do. The stem of an asparagus is a cladophyll. A cladophyll is a leaflike, flattened branch that functions as a leaf. This allows the plant easier access to the sun in order to perform photosynthesis.

16. Pollen

This is a picture of a flower that contains pollen. The pollen is located on the flower's stamen. Pollen is the yellow powder on a plant that helps to fertilize by delivering male gametes to the ovule of the plant. Pollen can travel from one plant to another plant via birds and bees or can fertilize the plant it is in. Pollen is needed in order to fertilize the ovule, this creating seeds. The seeds are then spread around and the cycle continues.

17. Predation

This is a picture of a spider web. A spider web is a form of predation. Predation is when an organism preys on a weaker organism than itself for food and energy. This web allows spiders to catch insects that fly into it. The insects cannot fly off the web because it is sticky and traps them there. The spider now has food to give it the energy it needs. This is an example of predation because the insects the spider catches are feeble minded compared to the spider. The spider is killing other organisms in order to get the energy he requires. 

18. Epithelial Tissue

This is a picture of skin. Skin is made up of epithelial tissue. Epithelial tissue lines the surfaces and cavities of the body's organs, as well as the entire body itself. There are many different subcategories of epithelial tissues: columnar, squamous, cuboidal, an transitional. Some areas have many layers of the cells, called stratified, and other areas only have one layer, called simple. Epithelial cells are used for protection from the sun and bacteria and to secrete hormones and enzymes. The top layer of skin is made up of squamous cells, then under that are cuboidal cells, and at the bottom, or the basement membrane, are the columnar cells.

19. C3 Plant

This is a picture of rice. Rice is a C3 plant. A C3 plant is one that fixes carbon dioxide into a compound containing three carbon atoms before entering farther into photosynthesis. C3 plants thrive with moderate light intensity, a good amount of carbon dioxide, and a lot of ground water. This is why rice thrives in the paddies of Asia. They have tons of water to use and are situated up higher where there is more carbon dioxide.

20. Endotherm

This is a picture of a cat. A cat is an endotherm. An endotherm is a warm-blooded animal, or an animal that maintains it's body heat independent of the environment. This cat keeps himself at the same body temperature regardless of where he is. His body heat does not depend on the temperature of the air around him, like a fishes would in the ocean. His body temperature is constantly maintained and doesn't rapidly drop or go up.

21. Seed dispersal

This is a picture of a squirrel. A squirrel is an animal that helps with the process of seed dispersal. Animals, water, wind, and other ways help plants to spread their seeds around so they might grow more plants. A squirrel helps with seed dispersal by getting the plant's seeds caught in his hair and running around to different places where they might fall off. They also help by ingesting the seeds, which are packed into their feces when they defecate.

22. K-strategist

This is a picture of a human being. A human being is a K-strategist. A K-strategists are organisms that have fairly stable populations and give birth to a low numbers of offspring. They are usually larger than R-strategists, carry their offspring for longer periods, mature slowly, and have a long life span. Humans are carried in the womb for nine months, are dependent upon their parents till 18-22, and can live to be over one hundred years old.

23. Dominant vs. Recessive phenotype

A phenotype is the physical characteristic of an organism determined by genetic makeup, or which particular allele it has.. A dominant phenotype is one that makes up a majority of the population and a recessive phenotype is one that makes up a minority. Brown eyes are the dominant phenotype in the human population, while blue eyes are the recessive phenotype. This means that more people have brown eyes than any other colors, like blue or green.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

24. C4 Plant

This is a picture of corn. Corn is an example of a C4 Plant. A C4 Plant is any plant that fixes the carbon dioxide into a compound of four carbon atoms before going through photosynthesis. Because of corns ability to fix the carbon dioxide into four carbon atoms, it is able to survive in the extreme heat of midsummer. This is an adaptation that allows C4 plants to survive in the tropics, where they thrive most.

25. Autotroph

This is a picture of a plant. This plant is an example of an autotroph. An autotroph is an organism that can take non-living substances and transform them into food and energy. This plant uses carbon dioxide and sunlight to create glucose for it's energy through the process of photosynthesis.